Thursday, April 05, 2001

I think it's wonderful that the weather is finally getting nice and warm, and the days are getting longer. I also started playing an old, old favorite game of mine again - Warlords. Not II or III, but the original. Sure I have to turn off the PC sound, but it is quite possibly one of the best games out there. Simple, strategic, and fun. Stars is my other favorite game, but I think I've overdone it recently, and need to take a break.

While I'm on the topic, I started playing Enemy Infestation again. It's a very detailed game, and it was created with a lot of care and attention. It is also a lot of fun, and rather addictive. I didn't leave the game as soon as I wanted to, and I couldn't sleep when I did manage to tear myself away.

Wednesday, April 04, 2001

I talked to someone nice today. Actually, I talked to lots of nice people today. Nice people ought to be celebrated. What would you think of a FlyingSheep Tribute to Nice People? You put in the name of the person who was nice to you (or as much of that person's name as you know), and a brief description of what they did, and we'll put up a page honouring them.

What do you think?

Tuesday, April 03, 2001

Taxes suck.

I've always been of the opinion that I should be able to do my taxes. After all, it's simply an exercise in following directions, isn't it? I almost gave up this year, but, having a few days to think about it, I think that I will still prepare my taxes by myself. After all, the amount of taxes that I am required to pay is the same regardless of who prepares the tax return. Why add more money to that?

Well, there is the time and aggravation that might be saved, I can see that. Especially if you're doing something complicated with your money. And I think I've spent a considerable amout of money in time and aggravation this year, but I've already spent it, so *shrug*, I may as well see it through myself.

Maybe next year I will pay someone else to do my taxes. But that all depends on how optimistic I am - if I think that it will be easy, then I'll try to do them myself. Hope springs eternal, as they say.

Monday, April 02, 2001

For those of you keeping score at home, there are now four weeks of classes remaining in my graduate career (for the time being). Add another few weeks for preparation for my Algebra exam, and then I'll be done, done, done, done, done.

Did anyone take advantage of the fact that Daylight Savings Time began on April Fool's Day? I didn't, but then again, I didn't do anything for April Fool's Day this year. I'm rather disappointed, as I normally enjoy non-malicious creative duplicity, even being the object of it, so long as it's done in good fun. And April Fool's Day is the only day when one can get away with pranks with relative impunity. Oh well, I'll just have to wait for next year, it seems.