Snapshots in Database
Next?Well, I'm not quite sure what my next move should be. I'm curious about how my new idea about objective objects will go, but I don't think it's well formed enough to proceed with just yet. I've enjoyed my recent success with database objects, but they seem too final - I'm not ready for that level of commitment yet. I'm still sort of getting a feeling for how these objects will interact to form a "game", and the objects I have now may not be the best suited for what I have in mind.
With that said, I'd like to take advantage of my indecision and do some clean-up work. Specifically, I'd like to get more of my "debugPrint" comparisons in the database. Here's the list of comparisons that I have:
Item Book
Item Ukelele
Item Stage Pass
Effect Increase Intelligence
Effect Give Stage Pass
Ability Read Book
NPC Stage Manager
Script Line Take Displayed Ukelele
Done. All of these can now be generated with the hit of a single web page. But, they will only be generated on demand. That way, I can update the Debug code, watch a bunch of tests fail, re-generate the debug print results, and then see the tests pass again. I will check in the database to make sure I haven't accidentally created a thousand rows or anything. Nope, database checks out fine. Excellent.
Note that I may want to (at some point) group these snapshots by type, so that I can update all Items or Effects. But, I don't need it yet.
Paper time.
The feeling of "what next?" (that I described at the start of this session) persists. As such, I'm going to design a small example game - you get a ukulele, learn how to play from a video, show the stage manager that you can play, and get the stage pass to win. My large scale plan is as follows:
1) Design Ukelele Game
2) Implement Ukelele Game
3) Create Tools to edit the Ukelele Game.
Actually, once I'm at step 3, I'm pretty much done with programming, right? Then I just need to solve the Content Problem again. But, this is an oversimplification, of course. I'm not claiming victory just yet.