Friday, August 31, 2001

Dear Jordan,
You have been sending me random files for at least a month now. It appears that you have been infected with the SirCam virus/worm/thingy. You can read about how to fix it here:

If you continue to send me these files, I may start reading them and posting them.


Congratulations to my good friends on the birth of their baby girl. Yay!

For all of you who have ever wondered what a geek was:

Thursday, August 30, 2001

Ok, I'm going to try to update this daily, but don't hold your breath (good advice in almost any situation, except possibly when underwater, or in proximity to the refridgerator, which needs cleaning).

In case you've been following the Vanessa-bookmark saga, I haven't sent her a bookmark yet. She did send me another envelope, however, with a different address. No postage or money for postage in this one, either. I don't have an international stamp, and I probably won't go to the post office again until I need more regular stamps.

I've been working on a new game for a while. If it's ready within the next 65 days or so, I may "retire" the castles game and launch this new game at the same time (a la vez, as they say). I think you'll like this new game, at least I hope you will. Heck, I just hope we can get it done in time. I'm collaborating with an internationally famous game reviewer. Well, maybe not internationally famous yet, but I am sure he will be someday.