Friday, June 18, 2004

Session Report: June 17, 2004
Games Played: Magic, Basari
Gamers: Geno, Chip, Phil, Motor, Sara

MAGIC (0:26)
Geno: 2 games
Chip: 0 games

Geno played a red goblin deck, and I played a Black modular deck. We both played plenty of creatures, but Geno's Walls of Stone neutralized the threat of my bigger creatures, and his embermage goblins were able to snipe my smaller creatures.
At one point, Geno activated two embermage goblins, each targeting a different arcbound stinger. After the first activation resolved, I put the +1/+1 counter from the dead stinger onto the remaining one, thus saving it from dying to the second embermage activation. Triggered abilities go on the stack after each object on the stack resolves.
A few fireballs later, and the game was over.

MAGIC (0:25)
Chip: 2 games
Geno: 1 game

Geno played a 5 color pre-constructed fifth dawn sunburst deck, and I played a green elf-ball deck. I was surprised at the consistency with which he was able to generate five different colors of mana, and his Skyreach Manta was a real threat, winning one game and threatening another. My mana-producing elves were able to generate a few fireballs large enough to win the game.

MAGIC (0:21)
Geno: 8
Chip: 0

Geno played his sliver deck, and I played my token-generating skullclamp deck. I was able to generate lots of creatures, especially with two genesis chambers in play, so I had plenty of chump blockers. I was able to wear Geno down to 8 life before he played Shifting Sliver. Needless to say, I conceded after that hit the table.

MAGIC (0:35)
Phil: 5
Chip: 0

Phil played a multi-colored deck featuring Recurring Nightmare, and I played my black modular deck. Phil recurred Uktabi Orangutan to destroy my modular creatures and Deranged Hermit to provide chump squirrel blockers. His deck had an answer to everything, and he could get creatures from either his graveyard or his deck at will. At one point, I was only a turn away from winning, but Phil was able to pull out the right answer for the win.

BASARI (0:37)
Geno: 90
Chip: 78
Motor: 72
Sara: 61

I don't think I've ever won Basari, but this is the best game I've had to date. Motor was new to the game (I think Geno had played once before). I decided to concentrate on amassing gems, as I think I had undervalued them in previous games. Sara, on the other hand, declared that she didn't really like gems and thought they were overrated.
She changed her mind in the second round, when she was left with only two or three gems, and had to accept almost any offer. This round was also my best - I went from last place to second by having the majority of almost every type of gem.
Previous plays of this game have been pretty frustrating, but I think I might be getting the hang of it, finally.

PLUG: Fifth Dawn draft tournament tonight, starting at five, at Legends. Come and win some packs!