Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Private Session Report: March 8-13, 2003
Players: Sara, Chip, Marsha
Games Played: Magic, Culture Shock, Space Beans, Midnight Party, Star Wars: Epic Duels, Pathfinder, 1313 Deadend Drive, Torres, Scrabble, Set, Elfenland

Sara and I went on vacation with her mom, Marsha, for a week to celebrate my birthday. Here are some reflections on some of the games we played:

MAGIC: We played a lot of magic. If you're interested in more details, email me off-list.

SPACE BEANS: (0:10 setup, 0:45 playing)
Sara: 36
Marsha: 33
Chip: 23

(0:10 play mini-game)
Sara: 13
Marsha: 7
Chip: 5

This game has a similar theme to Bohnanza (bean farming), but without the trading. Instead, at the end of each turn, the active player passes his or her hand to the next player. That is, only one person holds cards at any time.
My strategy in both games was to gather up the easy 1-2 point bean fields. Obviously I need to find a better strategy (:
I like this game, and I own it, so I'll be pushing it at future gaming sessions.

STAR WARS: EPIC DUELS (0:15 rules and set-up, 1:00 playing)
Chip (Mace Windu): won
Sara (Luke & Leia): lost
Marsha (Anakin & Padme): lost

For an elimination game, it was very balanced. I was able to eliminate both Sara and Marsha in the same turn, using Mace Windu's ability to deal 4 damage to all adjacent characters.
I like this game and was surprised to find that this was this first time I've played it this year.

1313 DEADEND DRIVE (? rules and set-up, 0:55 playing)
Chip: 9 Million dollars
Sara: 3 Million dollars
Marsha: 0 Million dollars

Marsha gave me this game for my birthday. There are 20 people in a mansion, and each player has to get his/her players safely out of the house while killing off the other players. Any player can move any pawn.
I enjoyed playing this game, trying to guess who had which characters. It's practically impossible to get one of your characters to safety without acquiring a few cards. You get cards by placing other characters in danger.
There's more strategy to this game that it may initially appear. Plus, the bits (traps that you can activate to knock over pawns) are really cool.

If you're interested in score or time totals for any of the other games, please let me know.