Saturday, January 20, 2007


 So, I'm thinking about this blog, once active, then neglected, now active again. I'd like to lure you here on a relatively frequent basis, and not disappoint you with stale content when you arrive. There's a good way of doing that, e.g. have a regular schedule and stick with it. There are a few problems with this.
 Although I have plenty of interesting (one might say bizarre) thoughts during the week, I have them at inconvenient times (e.g. not when I'm sitting at a computer, trying to come up with something to write in my blog). If I had some sort of wet-ware installed directly into my brain, you know, with some sort of wireless internet connection, then when inspiration struck I could simply send an email and there that thought would be (perfectly expressed) on my blog.
 Come to think of it, that could be potentially embarrassing.
 The second problem is that I'm not always at my home computer on, say, every Tuesday and Thursday. And, while I am at work (almost) every weekday, I simply don't feel right (conscious-wise) blogging from work. I mean, if my boss (who is very understanding) asked me what I was doing, "Working on my blog" is not a response I want to give (understanding nonwithstanding - don't some words seem odd together?)
 Well, I'm going to try to compile a list of random blog-worthy thoughts (and, it doesn't take much to be "blog-worthy". Pity the thought that doesn't meet that low threshold), and I'll simply try to force myself to update the blog each time I log on from home (which should be maybe once during the week, and again on the weekend).
 So, my recommendation is to check this blog each Thursday. By then, you should at least see one or two updates from the previous weekend, any possibly during the week. Although you may be tempted to check more often, well, I recommend against it. I don't want to disappoint.

Friday, January 19, 2007


    Most visitors arrive via a search engine (Yahoo, Live, etc.) using the keyword "FlyingSheep". What exactly are you looking for? Perhaps a reference to the Monty Python skit? For Harold? Or, perhaps you're looking for the person who wrote that insightful review of Qwitch (that's me).

Thursday, January 18, 2007

This is a test blog

I send this by email. Isn't technology wonderful?

Hi there!
It's been two years since my last blog, so I should start off by apologizing for not writing sooner, not keeping in touch, not calling as often as I promised.

One of my entries (shortly before I stopped writing altogether) mentions moving to a new server on August 03, 2004. Well, I've moved again, changing hosting companies along the way. After setting up a new blog with my hosting company (only to discover ads across the top of the page), I recalled this neglected (sorry) blog, and decided to resurrect it (so to speak).

You know, rising from the ashes and stuff?