Monday, January 21, 2008

Science Friction

Science Friction 

    I'm reading a collection of science fiction novellas (large short stories, I suppose). I like SF, although it's more of a passing fancy than a dedication. There aren't many authors that I can name, and none that I follow closely. I'm not including Fantasy, as there is an author of that genre that I do follow closely (Terry Pratchett).

    I've read two stories so far from the "Best of the Best Vol. 2" collection that I got from the library. Each of them featured a male protagonist that had a difficult relationship with a woman. I'm not sure what I can generalize from this about SF authors...


    In the first one, "Sailing to Byzantium", there are a few different outcomes that the characters discuss, and, while the story ends before you know which path the characters choose, there is an indication that they will choose one of them.

    However, in the second story, "Surfacing", the main characters are set before an interesting challenge. They talk about different options, bemoan their fate, and then the protaganist says, (I'm paraphrasing here), "Wait! I've got an idea!", and then the story ends. Needless to say, this is entirely unsatisfying. Perhaps readers that are more clever than I can see what his great scheme is, but it's beyond me. I hope the other stories are better.



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