Saturday, May 05, 2007

Paper design

UI stuff
 More UI stuff today. Might not be worth blogging about.

 I had to change the statistic class to include a name field. I'm making the same change the Ability class. I'm surprised that there are only two places to change.

 This function is failing again. I don't think it's still useful, and I don't like the way it does its test (comparing against a hardcoded string), so I'm going to delete it.

Game design
 I actually need to do a little game design before I can progress further. I'm going to write a simple game that requires getting an item and using it to win the game. This should point me in the right direction for example abilities, items, rooms, and obstacles that I need to progress.
Sorry for the short blog.  If it helps, the next one will be considerably longer.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Game On!

Game On.
 Now to create the game page. I'll sketch it out on paper first, see where I want to lay things out. Hmm... the page is basically broken into three parts - one specific to the character (and the actions available), one section shows the current obstacle (usually a creature), and the third section underneath shows the results of the last action.
 I have most of the left side implemented, but not Obstacles or Rooms yet. It's reasonable to suggest that I might be better server implementing those before worrying about the presentation layer. However, I feel like tinkering with UI, so here I go.

 I'm having a little difficulty with this function, so I'm going to create a test for it. There that's better.

UI stuff
 Sorry, not a lot of code today, mostly just struggling with CSS and various other trivial tasks. Not very interesting to read about, I'm afraid.