Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Session Report: April 19, 2004
Games Played: Foppen, Fantasy Pub
Gamers: Lewis, Vitas, Josh, Marianne, Chip, Mike

Thanks to Josh for hosting.

FOPPEN (0:43)
Mike: 11
Chip: -15
Lewis: -17
Marianne: -30
Vitas: -55
Josh: -57

Mike, freshly returned from the Gathering of Friends, brought Foppen and Power Grid. As we were expecting more people to arrive soon, we started with Foppen.
Mike got off to an excellent start, scoring 10 positive points during the first two rounds. Vitas and Josh, on the other side of the spectrum, were very close throughout the game, always within 5 points of each other.
The way the cards are dealt seems to have more impact on the game then strategy, but I did find myself testing a few theories. For example, having the 15 and 19 of green, I would lead the 15, hoping that whoever took the trick with the 20 would follow up with another green card, and I could take the lead back.
In any event, this is a fun card game that I'd be happy to play again.

Chip: 15
Josh: 9
Mark: 9
Marianne: 5

While Mike and others started a game of Power Grid, the rest of us played Josh's suggestion: Fantasy Pub. With orcs, hobbits, and beer, how could a game go wrong? After a brief explanation of the rules, we let Josh start (it was, after all, his game).
There are a few tactical decisions to make each turn, slightly limited by the roll of a pair of dice. While this limitation allowed each player to consider all the possible moves (without bogging the game down too much), it also resulted in a few turns in which the player didn't have any good options. This was pretty rare and didn't detract from the game too much.
Josh and I were pegged as leaders pretty early, and I managed to deflect most of the suspicion onto him, until I brought home one of my knights and put my score a single beer away from victory. Had I considered the situation more (and had I been more sneaky), I should have waited for one more beer. As it was, there was no doubt that I was a threat now, and the other players tried to prevent me from winning. The dice rolled in my favor and, two rounds later, I brought my dwarf home with three beers for the win.
This was a fun game, nicely themed. It's light and moves quickly, but there aren't many strategic decisions. I'd be happy to play it again.