Thursday, September 26, 2002

Just a short rant about my hosting company, Media3. As anyone attempting to visit the site yesterday evening probably knows, we were having permissions problems. The permissions on this site are set up slightly differently then normal, which can cause tech support some confusion, apparently.

Here's a run-down.

Around 3:30, I started getting an error which was not, to my knowledge, caused by anything unusual in the code. I opened a ticket.
Around 4, I heard back from tech support. They were unable to recreate the problem, which is understandable.
Around 4:15, I recreated the error again, and tried to give them more information about what might be causing the error.
Around 5, A tech support person reset the permissions on, causing the error that you may have seen.

Now at this point, I would have hoped that, after setting the permissions, that person would have tried to view the page that was having the error. If not to see if the problem has gone away, at least to see that nothing else had gone wrong. But he or she didn't. And something did go wrong. And then it wasn't fixed for another 4 hours.

So, in conclusion, they never fixed my problem, but they did introduce another problem and left it unfixed for most of yesterday evening.

On a related note, if any of you know of a hosting facility that supports ASP page with Frontpage Extensions (I know they're bad, you don't need to try to convince me), please let me know.


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