Friday, December 05, 2003

Well, is slow again today. Sorry about that.

So, the corner store down the street is selling alcohol on Sundays now. In MA, it's illegal to sell alcohol on Sunday for most of the year. I've often wondered why this is. I suppose it could be a religious thing, but not everyone is religious, so why impose restrictions so broadly? When important part of most religions is resisting temptation, making it illegal seems sort of like cheating, really.

If this is the case, then why make an exception for the religious holiday season at the end of the year? Is it possible that they are hoping to make people more holy by giving them more temptation to resist? Unlikely.

On the other hand, it's possible that a ban on alcohol sales on Sunday is like a mini-waiting period for weekend consumption. You can't just randomly get completely smashed on Sunday - you have to plan ahead (at least a little bit).


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