Monday, January 05, 2004

I feel so unprepared for the new year. I don't have my pocket calendar or a desk one-a-day calendar either. I made my resolution (such as it is) a few days late, and I don't generally feel like it's a new year yet.

My resolution, for those of you keeping track at home, is to set aside a weekend each month for house-keeping and relaxation. Weekends tend to get cluttered up with fun stuff (not that this is bad, necessarily), leaving me without the time I need to keep everything in order. It's not much of a resolution, but at least it's a start.

My resolution for last year, if you recall, was to keep track of the board games that I play. This resolution was a resounding success, as you can see by the various Session, Monthly, and semi-annual reports posted here. It'd be nice to add pictures of some of these games (especially the tile-laying games), but that would require more work (:


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