Tuesday, January 16, 2001

Collection of thoughts about games on my shelf:

  • Diablo rocks. I have not yet begun Diablo II, but I look forward to it anxiously. The Jedi Princess and I are playing through Diablo together (we're now at about level 25, just entered Hell), and it's a lot of fun.
  • Nox is a great game. I've finished it as a Conjuror (cheating a bit through the last level), and I'm now about 2/3 of the way through as a Warrior (which is not as interesting by far). The Jedi Princess plays this game as well, but we don't have the computer power (yet) to play multiplayer.
  • Enemy Infestation is another Diablo knock-off. I haven't really been able to get heavily involved in this game yet.
  • Warcraft II is one of the classics. The single-player mode has little attraction now, but I still enjoy playing it with other people.
  • Gearheads is a game I played once and put away. That is, until my brother came to visit a few weeks ago. He and I played it and somehow he got me hooked on it again. I particularly like the combination of the bulldozer and the wind-up hand.
  • I'm going to finish Half-Life someday, I know it. I didn't get very far into it when it simply became too frustrating for me.
  • Dungeon Keeper is a great game, but I suffer from some strange bug - Every so often, my mouse will pick a direction, and get stuck traveling in that direction. At this point, both the keyboard and the mouse are completely unresponsive. I just have to wait (or reboot) until the computer decides to let me play again. You can't imagine how frustrating it is to sit by helplessly while your dungeon (which you haven't saved in ages) gets destroyed.
  • I suppose you won't be surprised to learn that I didn't get very far in QIII, either. I think I was too distracted by Starcraft at the time.
  • Sin is another one that I'll have to get back to when I learn how to play FPS's.
  • On the other hand, I've been playing a lot of the classic FPS's, especially Doom and Heretic. They rock.
  • I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Sheep. It's cute, it's fun, and it's a puzzle game, which I like, but the controls are sometimes too frustrating. I'll play a level a few times to get it right, but I rarely play more than one level at a sitting.
  • Finally, from left field, a game that you've probably never heard of - Pinky and the Brain's World Conquest. The best part of this game, undoubtedly, is the clips that you see upon completing every other level or so. It's better than the pellets that they give rats after they run their little races.


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